Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Act 2- Live Tweeting

LINK TO TWITTER : https://twitter.com/LadyMacbethENG

Twitter is a quite a popular social media website that allows you to connect with your favourite celebrities, friends and even receive the latest news right when it happens.  This social media website is interesting in a way that anyone, and everyone is able to express their thought as it comes to mind for the world to see and this is what I was able to do while portraying Lady Macbeth. It was fun to be able to think from the character's point of view and to think of a tweet that would go along with the situation at the moment. My tweets that I came out with however, did not match up with the way that the people would talk or express their ideas in the olden days. I liked how twitter was had such a user-friendly interface. It was really easy to navigate around the website. Hash-tags allow you to see what others are saying about the topic. For example if you hash-tagged "#KingMacbeth", you can see what other users worldwide are saying about this topic who have also hash-tagged this. The layout is really easy to use and there are no advertisements on the sides that are present in other social media websites such as Facebook. This website is based on such simplicity yet everyone is so crazy over it. 

What I do not like about the site is that the maximum number of characters one can enter per tweet is only 160. Unlike a Facebook status where you can enter anything from a word to an entire essay, twitter can only allow you to express essentially a thought per tweet.  Once you are registered for an account, you are overwhelmed with the famous such as Britney Spears and Conan O'Brian asking you to follow them. If you do not choose to follow anyone, they will continue to suggest people you should really follow until you do. 

Overall, it was a great experience to use Twitter to really get into the heads of the character!

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