Sunday, 28 April 2013

Act 1- Character Profile


So far, after reading act 1, I know that Lady Macbeth is  a faithful wife to Macbeth. She is ambitious and strives for power and authority. She encourages her husband to kill King Duncan so that he can come into power when Macbeth was doubtful about whether to proceed with the deed or not. 

Lady Macbeth seems to be the more ruthless and cold-hearted one in the relationship. She describes how she would do whatever the task may be if she had promised to do it;

How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me-
I would, while it was smiling in my face, 
Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, 
and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you
have done to this. (I.vii.55-59)

Lady Macbeth is courageous and devious. She carefully plans out the assassination of King Duncan. She has the courage to go through with such a dangerous and repulsive deed in order to gain power for her husband when he was acting doubtful. So far, she does not seem to care about the consequences of her actions as long as she gets reaches her goal. 

As a character, I think that she quite evil with plotting to kill a King that has been so good to her husband by giving him the title as Thane of Cawdor. Nonetheless, I understand why she may be doing this. She truly cares for her other half and wants him to have the best life that he could by being King, even if that meant that she had to sacrifice someone else's life. 

Personally, I detest Lady Macbeth. Although she is kind and caring for her other half, she does not care for the well being of others. She will go through drastic measures in order to achieve what she wants even if that mean killing someone. 

Although Lady Macbeth may commit a murder later in the story, her courage to do such a thing may teach us to become more brave and to strive for a our dreams and wishes. (Without doing anything illegal of course!)


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